This is us

This is us

Monday, January 27, 2014

Welcome to our class!

Welcome to Ms Williams' 3rd grade class. Our class is made up of 21 kids aged 8 and 9 years old and we are based in North Carolina. We are excited to be blogging about our learning this year! We are looking forward to sharing our ideas, thoughts and classwork with a global audience including a special class in Auckland, New Zealand.

We would love to hear from you about our learning, so please comment on posts and give us feedback (both positive and constructive). We look forward to sharing our learning with you!


  1. Kia Ora Miss Williams and her class of 3rd graders! We were looking at Room 6's blog from Sunnyhills Primary and found the link to your blog. We are a class of year 4's at Sunnyhills Primary so that means we are all the same age as you guys! Your blog looks great so far, we like the way you went outside and did some EOC for Math. We will keep checking you blog to see further posts. Happy blogging!

  2. Hi Mrs Poole and her Year 4's! Thanks for visiting our blog :). We would love to do some collaboration with you as well if you are keen? I think you have a few of my lovelies from when I taught Year 2, so say hello to them for me!!
